Langensari - Info Promotion of Product
One way of a product and a service is aware and by people that a trader should be promoted by means of exhibition, news and electronic media, internet, most analyst of market predict that is well as you like to share and to link market.
In addition, other media also is need people will interest by show off feature with clour demonstrativa, which a product inner is used with slogan or motto simple.
Most signifance of target consumer is use based level which it could age, sex, domestic and or export all of in the world or specific of countries as target marketing.Price, Quality, certificate of quarantee, label, vality and so on also has consideration people to buy which compare two product and will think twice which one.
Many case why Modern market Vs Tradional market that has balance or increase on casflow after monetary issue. Many opinion mention to keep balance that country should protect value exchange.
Related to post
Link Market - Free Link Exchange, Link Building and Link Trade Directory
In addition, other media also is need people will interest by show off feature with clour demonstrativa, which a product inner is used with slogan or motto simple.
Most signifance of target consumer is use based level which it could age, sex, domestic and or export all of in the world or specific of countries as target marketing.Price, Quality, certificate of quarantee, label, vality and so on also has consideration people to buy which compare two product and will think twice which one.
Many case why Modern market Vs Tradional market that has balance or increase on casflow after monetary issue. Many opinion mention to keep balance that country should protect value exchange.
Related to post
Link Market - Free Link Exchange, Link Building and Link Trade Directory
BET Awards Sunday night, Chris Brown's emotional tribute to Michael Jackson and Perez Hilton seemed surprised .....!

Perez Hilton surprised many when he Tweeted] said in a radio program after Nick Cannon Chris Brown, an emotional tribute to Michael Jackson on the night of the bet awards Sunday, and said he was ready to change his opinion of Brown in 2009 after the attack on singer Rihanna.
When she gave MTV News caught up with the gossip blogger on Monday (June 28) as well.
"I do not watch live, which is probably a good thing because I was able to be the initial reaction when I heard what happened and then we had a different reaction when I saw what happened," he explained. "My first reaction was skepticism about the incident and that this is a tactic for sympathy, and then after I saw was still a little skeptical, but I've seen and certainly was impressed by the good performance, especially in the beginning.
He added: "after the collapse began - and it seems that the word minutes - real as it seems real, and when he cries loud and intense, it is not much," he continued. "He did not cry beautiful, ugly and raw and I think a lot of different things and you're there, his love and gratitude to Michael, then to do a lot of energy and feelings before, to think about Rihanna incident and perhaps relieved and happy to be able to award every other TV in the big show. "
What he stood for Perez to implement and it is "just a reminder of his talent and a reminder that he was gone for a period of time and served as a reminder that he was gone from the scene for some time that radio not support and a reminder that talented is that maybe now is the time to move forward for him, those of us who have very strong feelings for his actions is very bad and not fair to think negatively about it, but this is not fair to see that the head end of his life, and if he really has changed its methods and trying to buy. "
This is the kind of performance that Hilton told him to where he thought he was ready to give Brown one more chance.
"I think we, or at least I am, I am ready to move on as well," he said. "And let us do the work. The key is what to do next and that music is good. The next step must be really good preventive, which will be remembered that it may be, meaning people do not want to see him bragging, not want to see a concert, what people want to see it is the best he can, Chris Brown, and execution and fun and make great music. "
Tags : Chris Brown, Perez Hilton, BET award, entertainment, music, hollywood, tribute to Michael Jackson ,
Business News
Indonesian dofollow blog, ehm.. many blogger love it
Adress blog :
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Business News
Muktisari United Soccer-Rancah Soccer Math Friendly
The Rejasari soccer has announced to Muktisari about request to match friendly, so the alternative, Muktisari United Soccer goes to math friendly with Rancah soccer.
They really welcome with spontaneous. The Rancah group is located on Ciamis district, West Java, Indonesia. The owner of Crush music studio band also play well even look like tire after a few day has show off concert in Antapani, Bandung City, follow as a participant, join on O2 Band to entertain which the concert has held by one product of Indonesia.
The result match of Muktisari United soccer will publish on next time with schedule of those group in tour.
They really welcome with spontaneous. The Rancah group is located on Ciamis district, West Java, Indonesia. The owner of Crush music studio band also play well even look like tire after a few day has show off concert in Antapani, Bandung City, follow as a participant, join on O2 Band to entertain which the concert has held by one product of Indonesia.
The result match of Muktisari United soccer will publish on next time with schedule of those group in tour.
Muktisari United Soccer
There are some name group of soccer,it called MU which the name's stand for Muktisari United. The reason of group give that it is most of player soccer come from Muktisari Village. Those group has request to Rejasari group soccer to friendly match yesterday.
The Muktisari united has 4-4-2 formation attack which many of player are teenager and they in order to become popularity Muktisari United soccer almost 2-3 days on a week visit to request friendly math with group soccer near and or outside Muktisari area.
Oke, here look the lists of core player based on the position are:
Aci as StrikerDea as Striker
Deri Yusuf as Left Wing
Farizal as Forward
Slamet as Forward
Megy as Right Wing
Deni as Back
Supriyadi as Back
Tatan as Back
Tantan as Back
Roni as Goalkeeper
The lists of substitution player are:
Acep Anggi as Striker
Asep as Forwad
Erik as Forward
Dadi as Back
Riyanto (Komeng) as Back
Andi as Goalkeeper
Agus as Goalkeeper
Tags: Muktisari United, soccer
School For Scoundrels, the movie review of tv show

UK Rated: 12A
Runtime: 101min 26secs
Tagline: Nice Guys Graduate Last.
Written & Directed by: Todd Phillips
Writing Credits: Scot Armstrong
Plot Outline
Roger (Jon Heder), a beleaguered New York City meter maid, is plagued by anxiety and low self-esteem. In order to overcome his feelings of inadequacy, Roger enrolls in a top-secret confidence-building class taught by the suavely underhanded Dr. P (Billy Bob Thornton).
Dr. P uses unorthodox, often dangerous methods, but he guarantees results: Employ his techniques and you will unleash your inner lion. Surrounded by a band of misfit classmates, Roger's confidence grows and he makes his way to the head of the class, even finding the courage to ask out his longtime crush from accross the hallway, Amanda (Jacinda Barrett).
However Roger quickly discovers that star students have a way of catapulting Dr. P's competitive side into high gear. Soon enough, the teacher sets out to infiltrate and destroy Roger's personal and professional life. Nothing is off limits for Dr. P, not even the object of Roger's affection. In order to show Amanda Dr. P's true colors, Roger must rally his new friends and find a way to beat the master at his own game.
Overall Impressions:
I hadn't spotted the name of Todd Phillips when I went in to see this, but as soon as the credits rolled & the music kicked in I felt the Starsky & Hutch feel to it & I love that 70's stuff & that's when it hit me. I think this film may be inspired by a film from 1960 with the same title. Even if its not it certainly has influences from many a film I've seen in my time, but this is no bad thing. It gets a good balance between emotive moments & laugh out loud moments & switches between them when you don't necessarily expect it.
The performances by the main cast is spot on, it could be said their roles seem repetetive somewhat, but they're being given what they do best.
Tags : Scoundrels, Movie, TV show,scoundrels tv show, scoundrels,leverage,gates tv show, leverage tv show, the gates,hung tv show,star tv,atv,canli tv izle
Business News
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Business News
Gardujaya Group in 2009
The pictures as a documentary to memorize when Galuh University, Ciamis,West Java, Indonesia had been practice "Acceleration in Developing standard of Elementary school" where that program is done on March, 2009.
The pictures are member of Gardujaya, Panawangan subdistrict, Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia from English, Biology, Indonesia, and Accountancy program.
The pictures are member of Gardujaya, Panawangan subdistrict, Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia from English, Biology, Indonesia, and Accountancy program.

I dedicate for all my friends which they has graduate, for all to remember and still make contact to share their self experience each to another.
That pictures show the situation when they had to practice in Gardujaya even one my friend has lost his motorcycle at the night and one of member from another group has gone caused accident when take motorcycle, all group has done on with consideration from supervisor with shortly time which the schedule was thirty days.
Sky Band as Start
“sky” band today is come as a star in SMKN 3 Banjar as an entertainment ceremony which many school also has celebrate “good y” for whom pass national examination in every region of Indonesia. Why, that school only has entertainment, it’s caused of the school has graduate yet for the pupil.
One of the members that band is owner crush music’s studio band and soccer player’s which they try away to promote exist of band which they bring songs’ by first language.
The owner that studio also join on some region to increase their capable on vocal and proof their performance even they had already record on compact disc, tape record and or video yet.
They know if the band still has to develop so they try to register on some contest as a participant even them never wins but them happy. That band is one of great band in Langensari sub-district area.
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Nice to try it
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There are some product and feature which they introduce for content, search, mobile content, feeds, video, domains, and mobile application. Example, you have a domain an account in the Google, it’s called Gmail that some criteria to submit to find out sponsor for advertising on your blog, if you use blogger application to post of your content. Addition, the product service advertises usually on texts, pictures, and video or video online.
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How get advertise like that? Don’t worries the Ads by Google will find out companies to put their advertising for you and you will notification by via email which is announce of your request to be servicer. If your request has approval, they will offer code to put it on your blog.
Jadwal Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan menurut grup dan partai yang akan bertanding

Perhelatan akbar sepakbola piala dunia 2010 di Afrika Selatan telah di mulai. Jutaan pasang mata menyaksikan perhelatan akbar 5 tahunan tersebut. Piala dunia ini selalu di tunggu-tunggu oleh para penggemar sepakbola dari berbagai penjuru dunia baik tua muda, pria wanita. Tak ketinggalan para suporter dan pencinta sepak bola ini ikut memeriahkan piala dunia 2010.
Inilah Jadwal Pertandingan Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan :
Jumat, 11 Juni 2010
Grup A
Afrika Selatan vs Meksiko, (14.00 GMT) di Johannesburg
Uruguay vs Perancis (18.30 GMT) di Cape Town
Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010
Grup B
Korea Selatan vs Yunani (11.30 GMT) di Port Elizabeth
Argentina vs Nigeria (14.00 GMT) di Johannesburg
Grup C
Inggris vs Amerika Serikat (18.30 GMT) di Rustenburg
Minggu, 13 Juni 2010
Grup C
Aljazair vs Slovenia (11.30 GMT) di Polokwane
Serbia vs Ghana (14.00 GMT) di Pretoria
Grup D
Jerman vs Australia (18.30 GMT) di Durban
Senin, 14 Juni 2010
Grup E
Belanda vs Denmark (11.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
Jepang vs Kamerun (14.00 GMT) di Bloemfontein
Grup F
Italia vs Paraguay (18.30 GMT) di Cape Town
Selasa, 15 Jun 2010
Grup F
Selandia Baru vs Slovakia (11.30 GMT) di Rustenburg
Grup G
Pantai Gading vs Portugal (14.00 GMT) di Elizabeth
Brasil vs Korea Utara (18.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
Rabu, 16 Juni 2010
Grup A
Afrika Selatan vs Uruguay (18.30 GMT) di Pretoria
Grup H
Honduras vs Cile (11.30 GMT) di Nelspruit
Spanyol vs Swiss (14.00 GMT) di Durban
Kamis, 17 Juni 2010
Grup B
Argentina vs Korea Selatan (11.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
Nigeria vs Yunani (14.00 GMT) di Bloemfontein
Grup A
Meksiko vs Perancis (18.30 GMT) di Polokwane
Jumat, 18 Juni 2010
Grup C
Amerika Serikat vs Slovenia (14.00 GMT) di Johannesburg
Inggris vs Aljazair (18.30 GMT) di Cape Town
Grup D
Jerman vs Serbia (11.30 GMT) di Port Elizabeth
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Grup E
Belanda vs Jepang (11.30 GMT) di Durban
Australia vs Ghana (14.00 GMT) di Rustenburg
Denmark vs Kamerun (18.30 GMT) di Pretoria
Minggu, 30 Juni 2010
Grup F
Paraguay vs Slovakia (11.30 GMT) di Bloemfontein
Italia vs Selandia Baru (14.00 GMT) di Nelspruit
Grup G
Brasil vs Pantai Gading (18.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
Senin, 21 Juni 2010
Grup G
Korea Utara vs Portugal, (11.30 GMT) di Cape Town
Grup H
Swiss vs Cile (14.00 GMT) di Port Elizabeth
Spanyol vs Honduras (18.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
Selasa, 22 Juni 2010
Grup A
Meksiko vs Uruguay (14.00 GMT) di Rustenburg
Perancis vs Afrika Selatan (14.00 GMT) di Bloemfontein
Grup B
Nigeria vs Korea Selatan (18.30 GMT) di Durban
Yunani vs Argentina (18.30 GMT) di Polokwane
Rabu, 23 Juni 2010
Grup C
Slovenia vs Inggris (14.00 GMT) di Port Elizabeth
Amerika Seriikat vs Aljazair (14.00 GMT) di Pretoria
Grup D
Ghana vs Jerman (18.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
Australia vs Serbia (18.30 GMT) di Nelspruit
Kamis, 24 Juni 2010
Grup E
Denmark vs Jepang (18.30 GMT) di Rustenburg
Kamerun vs Belanda (18.30 GMT) di Cape Town
Grup F
Slovakia vs Italia (14.00 GMT) di Johannesburg
Paraguay vs Selandia Baru (14.00 GMT) di Polokwane
Jumat, 25 Juni 2010
Grup G
Portugal vs Brasil (14.00 GMT) di Durban
Korea Utara vs Pantai Gading (14.00 GMT) di Nelspruit
Grup H
Cile vs Spanyol (18.30 GMT) di Pretoria
Swiss vs Honduras (18.30 GMT) di Bloemfontein
Jadwal Pertandingan Putaran Ke dua Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan
Partai 49
Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010
Pemenang Grup A vs Runner-up Grup B (14.00 GMT) di Port Elizabeth
Partai 50
Pemenang Grup C vs Runner-up Grup D (18.30 GMT) di Rustenburg
Minggu, 27 Juni 2010
Partai 51
Pemenang Grup D vs Runner-up Grup C (14.00 GMT) di Bloemfontein
Partai 52
Pemenang Grup B vs Runner-up Grup A (18.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
Senin, 28 Juni 2010
Partai 53
Pemenang Grup E vs Runner-up Grup F (14.00 GMT) di Durban
Partai 54
Pemenang Grup G vs Runner-up Grup H (18.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
Selasa, 29 Juni 2010
Partai 55
Pemenang Grup F vs Runner-up Grup E (14.00 GMT) di Pretoria
Partai 56
Pemenang Grup H vs Runner-up Grup G (18.30 GMT) di Cape Town
Jadwal Pertandingan Perempat Final Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan
Jumat, 2 Juli 2010
Partai 57
Pemenang Partai 53 vs Pemenang Partai 54 (14.00 GMT) di Port Elizabeth
Partai 58
Pemenang Partai 49 vs Pemenang Partai 50 (18.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
Sabtu, 3 Juli 2010
Partai 59
Pemenang Partai 52 vs Pemenang Partai 51 (14.00 GMT) di Cape Town
Pemenang Partai 55 vs Pemenang Partai 56 (18.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
Jadwal Pertandingan Semi Final Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan
Selasa, 6 Juli 2010
Pemenang Partai 58 vs Pemenang Partai 57 (18.30 GMT) di Cape Town
Rabu, 7 Juli 2010
Pemenang Partai 59 vs Pemenang Partai 60 (18.30 GMT) di Durban
Jadwal Perebutan Juara 3 Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan
Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010
Tim Kalah di semifinal diadu (18.30 GMT) di Port Elizabeth
Jadwal Final Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan
Minggu, 11 Juli 2010
Pemenang Semifinal Diadu (18.30 GMT) di Johannesburg
CATATAN: Perbedaan waktu GMT dengan Waktu Indonesia Bagian Barat (WIB) adalah 7 jam. Perbedaan waktu ini bisa jadi panduan untuk anda dalam melihat jadwal piala dunia 2010 supaya tidak ketinggalan dalam menontonnya.
Tags : Piala dunia 2010, Afrika Selatan, piala dunia 2010 , jadwal, jadwal piala dunia, hasil piala dunia, pertandingan piala dunia ,afrika selatan, bola dunia , jadwal pertandingan, piala dunia afrika,piala dunia bola ,klasemen piala dunia ,hasil piala1 dunia, skor piala dunia, score piala dunia, spanyol,jerman, pertandingan piala dunia, prediksi , prediksi piala dunia, piala dunia live
Business News
Form Join in a Community Website
Important! If you are a user yahoo, there is some thing a website title “Banjar ....”. That title is one of webmatic as you like to awareness about something topic. There is a program webmatic from Duta Business School or Duta 4future which it is one of product to get free online about to promo on the Internet.
The trouble option if you would to be joining on the “Banjar Sukses” website when you register to follow as a member you will see some optional “Names of Leader” and the most important you are a member of DBS go freedom? How about if your leader name does not exist on that option caused your leader has EC and CCI.
Surely, well you will confuse where you should to submit your request? The community that website is to make popularity of people on Banjar City, one of city in West Java, Indonesia.
The language usage on the form to fill is Indonesia language, of course for most of people who can spoken can know how fulfillment your Profile, Contact and Area.
The list form to join as on that community, there are optional leader name of e.g. IHSAN, fill your full name, address, ID member of duta4business and Password, no contact, trouble and advise, etc.
The story has taken from book retell is about the fisherman and Lord Kurosama. Once upon time, there is a fisherman which is he is a poor fisherman, everyday only caught fish at the sea and suddenly he caught a big fish and he very glad and surprise because of he never got beautiful and big fish. He tend to sell that fish to Lord Kurosama, when the guard had seen a beautiful big fish just could said, it's wounder fish. Then the guard take the fishermen to meet Lord Kurosama. When Lord Kurosama and his wife, Lady Mariko, the Lord Kurosama said he pay that fish by a good price.
His wife, Lady Maiko has jealous and negative thinker so he say to his husband, if his husband to kind by pay for that fish too much so she has suggested to his husband call back the fisherman before go away far and the Kurosama has a plan by asked what name's the fish? The fisherman explain if the fish is rare fish and he knew much kinds of fish and Kurosama gave him extra money but suddenly one of money has fallen on the floor and the fisherman try to take money.
When Lady Maiko saw what it's done a fisherman, she said to her husband, you can saw that fisherman was greed and no every servant to find one of money. After his wife finish word, Lord Kurosama said why you not left for one of money?the fisherman said if he not to propose the Lord Kurosama angry and he did not someone soil by foot it.
After Lord Kurosama heard the answer from fisherman, he gave again money for another people as reward, then Kurosama say "I will listen your suggest again because you have negative thinking".
Tags: book, story
Tags: book, story

Langen city to Banjar.
Both of cities are an area West Java,
Crush is one of music studio band for rent
in Langen city, if you interest just come to
Babakan Rt 01/04 Muktisari village.
The cost rent is 15000IRD /hour. The owner of Crush studio join on a band which is called "Sky" that name's band.
Procedure of Selection on School Label International
There are several requirements for new student who want to register at School standard go International or School standard International which student should have qualification by some procedure. The procedures are:
Elementary school label International should submit birth certificate, result of psycho test, Intelligence test, and follow academic potential test; hobby and talent tests, wealthy certificate from a doctor.
Middle or Junior High School, a student should have minimal 7,5 average scores on Elementary certificate and on card report on Elementary since IV grade until VI grade, Intelligence test must superior form Intelligence average in Indonesia and academic potential test; hobby and talent; wealthy of certificate from a doctor.
Senior High School which the students must submit photo copies of Middle or Junior High School certificate with minimal 7,5 average scores and also minimal 7,5 average scores on the card report since VII until IX grade, result of an Intelligence must have average in Indonesia generally, and academic potential test; hobby and talent test, English test.
Besides the new student should give extra fee service educational and exception for student’s parent from incapable as financial.
The people at the funfair were leaving and the lights were going out. The last four people on dodgem cars paid and left. The big wheel stopped and the horses go around stopped as well. The stalls closed down and the stall owners went home. At 4 a.m four night watchmen walked round the funfair, but there was no one to be seen.
I am fed up walking round, one of them said, yet what we can do? We can either play cards or and talk. They were bored, so there was nothing to do on this quiet warm night. We can have a ride on the horses go round! One of them cried.
That’ll be fun! Three of them jumped on the horses go round and the fourth started the motor. Then he jumped on too and round they went. They were having the time of their lives, but suddenly realized there was no one to stop the machine. They weren’t rescued till morning and by then they felt very sick indeed.
Tags: hourses, round
I am fed up walking round, one of them said, yet what we can do? We can either play cards or and talk. They were bored, so there was nothing to do on this quiet warm night. We can have a ride on the horses go round! One of them cried.
That’ll be fun! Three of them jumped on the horses go round and the fourth started the motor. Then he jumped on too and round they went. They were having the time of their lives, but suddenly realized there was no one to stop the machine. They weren’t rescued till morning and by then they felt very sick indeed.
Tags: hourses, round
Kamerun lawan Denmark: Pertarungan Dua Tim Terluka - Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan

Dengan sejarah pernah mengejutkan dunia pada piala dunia 1990, Kamerun mencoba bangkit saat bertemu Denmark nanti. Dipimpin oleh salah satu penyerang berbahaya dunia saat ini, Samuel Eto'o, singa Afrika akan menerjang pertahanan kokoh tim dinamit.
Andai berhasil meraih kemenangan di sini, Kamerun belum menutup peluang untuk lolos ke babak 16 besar.
Namun jika mereka tetap bermain bak orang kehilangan arah seperti saat melawan Jepang, bisa dipastikan Denmark akan melumat mereka. Semoga pelatih Kamerun juga tidak membuat strategi aneh lagi dengan menaruh meriam utama mereka, Eto'o, di posisi sayap kanan lagi seperti pada pertandingan pertama.
Denmark mungkin kalah pada pertandingan pertama, namun semua setuju jika mereka bermain sangat bagus. Permainan tim dinamit memburuk semenjak terjadinya gol bunuh diri Poulsen.
Namun secara keseluruhan mereka sanggup mengimbangi permainan tim favorit seperti Belanda.
"Tim dan saya telah bermain bagus," demikian komentar Poulsen usai pertandingan.
Pertahanan kokoh dan kerjasama tim yang solid menjadi modal utama mereka dalam setiap pertandingan. Bendtner yang mengisi posisi penyerang juga merupakan seorang yang bisa diandalkan dalam setiap serangan balik mereka.
Namun mental tim dinamit yang menjadi permasalahan. Setelah kebobolan oleh gol bunuh diri saat melawan Belanda, mereka langsung melupakan cara bermain yang baik. Jika mereka bisa mempertahankan mental mereka, maka bukan tidak mungkin mereka akan meraih poin penuh.
Kedua tim merupakan timyang terluka akibat kekalahan pada pertandingan awal. Pertarungan ketat bisa dipastikan akan ditampilkan oleh kedua tim
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TV show and lifestyle in
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Vodafone Samsung 360 H1 with social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google Chat, MSN and other services

Person on their shoulders the burden of high expectations, and the main form in this package should be able to provide the best available also to ensure consumer satisfaction, nor the provision of Internet quality of the importance of the axis, dashed the poor must be in their best shows, but do not do it. We will take a deeper look at the 360 H1 status to see if any skills competition in the market.
Vodafone H1 360 measures in 116 × 58 × 13 mm and weighs 134 grams. These aspects are similar to the BlackBerry Storm to give guidance, but H1 weighs 20 grams is not very good. 360 H1 vision is of a screen, it controls the phone before that thing most impressive. With a beautiful view of AMOLED, and supports up to 16 million colors, the screen measures an amazing 3.5-inch with resolution 800 × 480 pixels.
H1 and provides the same user interface and 3D, Vodafone 360 M1 money supply, it looks really good, and navigation information is very simple. Limo-based operating system and gives 360 H1 simple open source, and the system that was installed in a class module to run. Therefore, the importance of basic features, Plug-In options could include encouraging the application by adding or improving equipment through the program functions. Luxury car with its own specially designed to interface various core operating system at the beginning of the rules, we can expect in the future limo products differ significantly in the future, look and style.
LED equipped Vodafone 360 H1 camera 5.0 megapixel camera, high energy to complete the autofocus, flash and 1. Enable video mobile phones, but a second camera for video calls. A H1 has an integrated GPS receiver and support for GPS assistance, and equipment and use it as navigation devices and satellite phones, GPS receivers and will be useful, and other location-based services. Other winners of phone options include a full music and video but also FM radio with stereo support circle. The strategy is to have a shiny little information that shows the current song on the radio stations, along with other pieces and distributed by FM radio.
As a slave, will spend much time to connect to the Internet is expected to include all options in relation to popular H1. This includes HSDPA mobile broadband and Wi-Fi 802,11 b / g standards, allowing you to simply plug in the settings for wireless LAN in their home. For those moments when you happen to encounter a coverage of 3G, and provides all the edge of GPRS and support H1. Included in support of A2DP Bluetooth 2.0 to connect to your computer, and there are USB] 2.0 - H1-support higher data transfer rate. And there is memory available on a huge H1, in addition to a whopping 16GB of internal capacity, expandable memory microbes, which can provide up to 16 GB to store more data.
Vodafone 360 H1, then, is it really worth as a leading mobile phone. Is a leader in all areas of its work, the phone looks great, AMOLED display, accompanied by brilliant, it must be very clear in the current service Vodafone 360 Stop. M1 money supply, and is expected to produce 360,360 H1 during the last quarter of 2009, when the gala date. The proposal is for beginners, as is the case in the first half is expected to become popular request
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Business News
Convert video, DVD and other formats to IPod easily use DVD Catalyst - koptozie video
Ready to convert your video?
Here is the simplest way I can find to convert video and DVD to put on the IPod. It uses a simple piece of software called DVD catalyst. This program goes beyond conversion format Ipod. Some other forms or mp4 Ipod, format, XviD, DivX, AAC, H264, WMV, ISO, FLV, 3GP, and many others. The program can simplify the task of good quality conversion of video and even save you time, while maintaining easy to use.
Convert Video to your chosen format
The first thing you should do is to know what format you want to become in some form, and you are converting from. If you have an IPod Apple, Apple iPhone, Sony PSP, Creative Zen, Smartphone or PocketPC, so this works for you. If you are an expert in knowing what type of file you need for your do not worry. The program makes it easy even for the average user. For the time will focus on converting DVD to coordinate the IPod.
Convert the actual video
In this example I will use DVD Catalyst for simplicity. First, it allows identification of the DVD we have, we want to use and put it on your computer to the player DVD. Open the program catalyst and DVD will recognize the DVD in your drive. The settings are pretty straight forward. On the left side of the screen, all you need to select the device in the dropdown menu. In this case I chose the Apple Ipod device. The next step is to select the output folder. This is where you want to convert your video to be stored recently. I would suggest using a site that will easily remember. There are other settings that you can change by splitting the video into multiple files and video settings as well, but we will not talk about this now. I just want to touch on the basics of Video Converter easy as possible. If you have any problems converting video to have a great support system, including the Forum.
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Download video, advice to get high quality on the internet speed
How to find your movie project talen
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Business News
Joran van der Sloot admits killing Stephanie Flores in hotel room - koptozie news

Joran was arrested in Chile by police on 31st of May, and then he was brought to Peru in a police convoy. Joran and Stephanie met each other playing poker at a casino. According to the authorities of the hotel, Stephanie and Joran stayed together in hotel. And the security cameras also showed Stephanie entering Joran Sloot’s room at 5 a.m.
According to police, Dutchman is trying to hire his own lawyer, for now he will be in prison until the prosecutors prepare other formal charges. Where as Stephanie’s brother is expecting at least 30 years of prison for assassination charges. Dutchman was also a prime suspect in disappearance on U.S teen Natalee Holloway in 2005.
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Joran Vandersloot murder, the Dutch confused about this case
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Advances of techology as growth of economic either electronic or otherwise
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Joran Vandersloot murder, the Dutch confused about this case
When the Joran s extraditable to Peru from Chile, in the defendant's clothing, he exhibited to reporters. In video circulating the internet is also the first interrogation. Dutch Foreign Ministry still thinking how to respond to these things that are not public.
Joran van der Sloot, who was charged with killing a girl resident of Lima, Peru's capital, will acquire Jurdil process. Thus guarantees the Minister of Home Affairs of Peru, Octavio Salazar. But in the meantime all the incriminating evidence against the Dutch youth has been circulating everywhere. This is what makes the Dutch confusion.
Peruvian police said that it was clear from the first study traces Joran s. According to police, the victim of murder, Stephany Flores 21-year-old beaten to death with a tennis racket. Also circulated video that shows the defendant was with the victim at his hotel. The first interview with van der Slot Joran s also been widely circulated on the internet.
No protest
Dutch embassy did not protest the release of evidence against this. Whereas previously there was reportedly in protest. Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague was thinking if I should come with an official reaction step of the way employment Peru prosecutor. A foreign ministry spokesman in The Hague, told Radio Netherlands said he had asked how to address this.
In principle, the Netherlands had not intervened in the judicial process in other countries. But perhaps in the case of van der Sloot Joran s is no reason to intervene. Defendant denies murder itself remains Stephany Flores.
Until three days
Joran was accompanied by a lawyer named Joseph Tacopina America. On TV Peru, this lawyer stated wondered why no one knows if it's true Stephany Flores remains there for three days in a hotel room Joran Vandersloot.
Peru and the Netherlands do not have agreement on the submission of their respective citizens who have been convicted, so they could be serving a sentence in the country of origin. Being negotiated by the two countries is the so-called agreement WOTS. Until now not clear when the two countries agreed on this.
If a new agreement was reached after WOTS Joran s convicted, he could still ask to be treated according to the agreement. Condition, the two countries were not convicted of his own objections and also agree. It's still too premature to be stating that Peru will agree handed Joran Vandersloot.
Jewels and money
From what is, a motive for murder 21 years old girl leads to robbery. Stephany father claimed his son disappeared gems. In his wallet there is also no longer any money received as much as 1000 dollars Stephany from his father to buy a laptop computer.
Until now Joran Vandersloot is still detained in police cells Lima. Temporary custody has been extended seven days. -Castro Castro prison in which there is a single cell guarded exclusively reserved for the Joran s. Prison complex was to provide room for 4000 prisoners.
Problem-Castro Castro prison are many stories circulating. For example prisoners being held there have to deal with people who are convicted for rape or murder of children and women. If van der Sloot Joran s was found guilty of murdering and robbing, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
Business News
Converter program of multimedia files to any file, any format to software supports
Enjoy all your video and must find the right software. The program allows you to convert video with various options for converting and media, such as convert video to mp4, player, television and video AMV. This means that you can see all the places in mobile video.
The conversion process is very simple, even novices can run the required format video files. This is to ensure batch mode, so it is easy to change with very little effort, and the entire video file list. Convert video to mp4, player, video, television and AMV's as easy as entering an address on the site, you need to do is select the format conversion and prefer to follow a few simple steps. Videos using any desired profile and AVI using available video and audio codecs. Since the file in the list indicates that only convert MP4 video player, video, television and AMV click away. Program for this purpose, the use of modern iCompress (TM) technology to compress video files so that you can convert more video and movies.
Video conversion software, made by automatic conversion of all the tasks that give you the highest level of quality as many versions of a breeze in this process.
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Business News
How to make an Outline for an Essay
You can begin to shape your ideas into an outline. Start with the most basic shape, using the fact every piece of writing has a Beginning, a Middle, and an End.
Often called the introduction, as well, an introduction may have one or more of these;
a. an overview of the whole subject
b. background to the particular issue you are going to write about;
c. a definition or clarification of the main terms of the assignment;
d. an outline of the particular point of view you plan to take in the essay.
Often called the development. This is where you develop, paragraph by paragraph, the points you want to make. A development might include:
a. information-facts, figures, data;b. example-of whatever points you are making;
c. supporting material for your points-quotes, logical cause and effect workings, putting an idea into a larger context.
Often called the conclusion. You have said everything you want to say; but this time your readers are in danger of forgetting where they were going in the first place, so you remind them. A conclusion might include:
a. a recap of your main point, to jog the readers’ memories;b. a summing-up that points out the larger significance or meaning of the main points;
c. A powerful image or quote that sums up the points you have been making.
Using video and Internet strategy, so that visitors Vlogs
Why use video?
If there is more sound effects than words, everything is visible. There is an advanced visual effects in the long transfer. This leads to more personalized and more customers to participate.
Some examples of film industry:
Ø display shows the product
O Presentation Service
S speech at the ceremony, President
Ø explain the procedure
Ø shows various uses of the product
Ø Funny Videos
O creating interactive
Ø peer to peer knowledge sharing and acquisition
Before the film used with caution because of bandwidth considerations and increase load time. Furthermore, the need to improve the content. But with the introduction of video from video sites optimized protocol is possible. Now, a dedicated server media, blogs, videos and podcasts for the care of
Q microphone is compatible with your computer
O camera so you can record video and save to your hard disk.
O Camera
Ø Video Editing Software
How does it work?
1. Found in microphone: For recording video, you need a microphone is compatible with your computer.
2. Get the camera. : You need to get the camera so you can record video and save it in the hard drive of your computer.
3. Take time to prepare the content of the video blog: Take some time to think about what you want to say or do in a video to your blog.
4. Record Video Blog: Open mic, camera and start recording home. Save the file, you are ready.
5. Download videos YouTube, blogs, photos and video:
6. Get your video blog download a file from embed code. If your server supports these types of alternative media that the load on your web site.
7. Copy the embed code: After you download the file to your video blog to YouTube or Google Video, copy the embed code, and make it convenient.
8. Create a new blog: give it a title and add relevant content to the video blog.
9. Place embed video to your blog a new blog post. Copy the embed code to use the video to your blog to download the file and paste it into a new blog post earlier in the Code of information.
10. And then my new blog post. Choose to publish your blog and your request to send a video in this blog post on the blog button on the Internet in real time.
Decided to host the video: Check the following
Check the site for other videos. Is of high quality, high taste, or a little rude and inappropriate? Select a site you feel comfortable with it.
Check the maximum file size: Web video hosting sites have different time video file size that allows you to download. As a whole, must be compressed before loading, to respond to popular video hosting sites file requirements for video size. If you want to compress too much, do not watch the video may be a good time playing online.
Provided storage space: Is there a limit on the number of videos that can be uploaded to your account or how much storage space you can use?
Download the form: What site accepts video format? Most online video sites to adopt many video hosting sites such as QuickTime, Windows Media, TV and other formats, so you can find on the Internet site that allows you to upload your camera phone or directly. If it's important for you to ensure the video hosting service on the Internet, provided that you decide to use these functions.
Display Format: What do video to play live? Flash is the most standard video hosting sites, and is installed on most computers and play quickly and easily. However, some websites and other video format, if you want to share your site such as ITunes does not use flash and video.
Pressure will be exempted Quality: web hosting video before returning to the pressure of video. Some sites better than others.
Download Video: Because of copyright and publishing, and many online video sites hosting does not allow users to download videos to your site copy. Although some sites, such as video images that allows users to store copies of video on the desktop or portable video player.
Features editor: Many of the online video hosting sites now offer editing features. JumpCut provides a wealth of online non-linear editing and other sites that enable, not afraid of your video or add an address, a description or photo.
Public: different locations and different audiences. If video that focuses on specialized topics, select Internet video hosting services and specialized services, or YouTube.
Share this video: online video hosting service, providing the majority of embedded video in your blog, personal Web pages and sites like Facebook and MySpace, and so on.
Video playback: Some sites will include a few video ads with video or to put the logo watermark. This may be good, but it does not look very professional if you send the video to customers, and they are great "YouTube" of characters.
Ø identify the purpose of the video. If you attract traffic to your site, hosted there. Otherwise, you can host in Part III. Such as
Ø use of keyword rich title of the movie.
O Add video to your site map. Log in to create a video sitemap
Ø to make copies of video. Or using automatic copying or use of copies is cheap and accessible service.
For Ø 5 minutes from the time of the video, and more traffic, and shall remain in force.
Ø Add a call to action.
My test video blog published to ensure smooth operation.
Ø Some popular downloads, and formed the first video AVI, support MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4 formats. Here are some popular format: video (Windows Media Video), QT interval (for Quicktime) and create a double (Macedonia).
Software for video editing
Can be played in the movie: Movie to be free in the new Mac. IMovie to edit video and audio to provide many options and add photos, music and film of the novel.
Ø movie: Movie Maker system is Windows, free software and video editing and software to install a new computer. Use software for creating and sharing high quality
Ø passionate Airlines domestic violence: Avid Free domestic violence is a free software for video editing for Mac and PC and it works. This is a simplified version of Avid professional, and provide users with audio, and video editing is limited.
Network, Ø Jump Cut: line, then jump on free software for video editing and allows you to limit the right video and sound, images, effects and titles.
Ø Virtual Sound: Virtual Sound provides simple functionality and editing. You can be very creative software, but you can use to carry out simple, clean and edit the video screen. Virtual dub is not confined to the operating system Windows.
Local host video blog
Ø free video blog
Ø Internet Archive
Some video sharing sites
Ø YouTube: YouTube is the largest and most famous, it offers many opportunities if you want to share your video and access to a large audience to see him.
Ø Revver: Revver is a revenue sharing as well as video sharing site. Advertising is an integral part of the video producers to enter the end of real money.
Ø Google Video: Google to buy YouTube, but still retains its video sharing and search tools.
Ø launch Internet TV show.
Ø Jump Cut: video sharing on Yahoo community to engage in the world, the availability of spare elegant jump online tools for video editing and all the bells and download video and share your whistle.
Ø Yahoo Video: Yahoo Video and many other major video sharing sites. It also allows you to upload video, making it easier to find records in search of World Wide Web.
Oh, my space: If you have a my space page, you can easily share video online forums.
Ø White Video: Upload your video, share, and if possible to get money.
Tags : Video, visitor, Internet
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Download video, advice to get high quality on the internet speed
I'm not saying that you will get rich overnight, these ideas, but you can create multiple, passive income through these online video business model. So here's the Top 12 ways to take advantage of video on the internet today ...
1. Revenue deposit video sharing and advertising
YouTube site user submitted video from the huge gates. With 35,000 + video reports every day, and their place in daily traffic on the website Top 30 most visited.
YouTube, the leader, but they are not alone. There are dozens (if not more) followers tried to break into the market for video over the Internet to participate.
I really do not know what their business model (there are rumors that it is not clear either). The cost of these small fortune for the film of millions of people, and most venture capital does not like to see some cash today disappear into ether.
A likely scenario is that sooner or later, to survive, they will call for help in paying advertisers. If so, it will be the first model, supported by commercial advertising to try.
This often ...
"Revver of artists and spectators, sponsors and advertisers in the market for online video and Internet use for obtaining information is open to all trade advantages, rather than trying to fight. Revver provides all the tools to distribute their original works the Internet and to benefit from the efforts of Revver. In support of open access and video on the Internet, still prize creators. "
Here's how it works Revver ...
1. You can upload Revver video.
2. They attach importance to keep the finished film, unobtrusive ads.
3. People who see, or an integral part of different places in one video.
4. If people see their ad in the final match to join your video and click, Revver part of the deposit in your account, click through value.
5. You can then track Revver account (as the video presentation, how many times they watched the video, how much money you earn).
6. Finally, they give us money.
If you continue to create and download video, which might be a good long-term strategy of passive income stream. To ensure revenue sharing and similar sites, Revver, Blip.TV and including
2. Links Add videos to your position
People come to watch videos on your site. Do you have their attention. What happens then when he finished video? He then headed for partners who sell you cover 51001340 video!
For example, if you have video content, including:
* Powerdrills ... Sent to shop online.
* New Publication of a book or DVD ... Submitted by
* There is an exciting vacation spot ... Sent to
... Just be sure to contact 51001340 to earn commissions if the sale results.
It is very easy to make the player Network ™ video (at [available). While the film ends in a link from your affiliate links "field, use the" Click here for more information on the button "play out the photo gallery. Viewers who click on the graphics will be sent to close the website address given.
3. To create a website, Google Video
Most of the films, and can include videos on any web page provided. If this option is available for video, and there will be a reference to it that says "are an integral part of HTML." Click this code needed to display video on the page will appear. Code for each page you want to view the video.
How to make money, Google Video ...
What you need to do is to create specialized or industry (such as martial arts theme site, quilting, etc.). First of all, search keywords, Google Video to use these themes to ensure that they already have online video site of your choice.
If so, registration, such as martial arts or quilting free - domain name and create a website using the name of the kernel. Use your blog like Wordpress or MovableType programs to accelerate the process.
Create a page for each film, including the description of the video in the text. Depending on the subject, you can find hundreds of related videos. Then everyone gets in your website unique.
Add Google AdSense ads and / or links associated with each page of one of its related companies. Including an opt-in box so that people can join your mailing list, so I noticed the new video and theme of your visitors special offers.
If you have a theme based on the success of this site and find another topic, repeat the process with other sites.
4. IStockVideo video content for sale the people who brought us, beautiful free processing site (a new service to see more pictures for free). With iStockVideo, will pay you to download video (clips of nature), other people to use their own video ...
"We want to see the animation, stop-motion, videos and digital videos, films and abstract alien, we need a video of you and your friends. Contributing to the first 90 days free access to 10 video and discounts up to 18 stocks in the ubiquitous broadband network. and then tell you friends iStockvideo, we will pay up to $ 50. recommend them to your friends and get $ 1 for each section in charge of the top 50. "
Since this is new, it is difficult to say how much money you can do. In both cases, if something like iStockphoto, will become creators of online video substantial resources.
5. Search Sponsor Video
Interestingly, the movie career, and it targets a specific market, advertisers want to reach? If so, there is a good chance that you may be able to find a sponsor who pays you to reach this audience. (If not, and lessons for the video site will help you create the best video).
™ player with video network may enable providers, during and after the announcement of the use of the logo on the video images and image characteristics.
Sponsors a monthly fee for each click, which means that the public is unique. Check the network through the video player statistics, and you and your sponsor know exactly how many people watch videos, and time.
6. The use of network video sales / support products
You own products / services for sale? If so, use video to tell the story, the prospects to become customers. Using video to the Web Player ™, easy to use video ...
* Reviews of the product in action.
* Reviews of the problem (you) to address them.
* EBay sell their product.
* Special offer video tour facilities.
* Do you have employees (customers want to know the real person behind the scenes) to describe the video.
* Video used to be explained to ensure your.
And recommended * See a video of satisfied customers.
* Maintenance (eg, how to tackle common problems) the use of video.
Almost everything can be sold on the Internet can benefit from well-designed products or services in support of video on the Internet.
7. Combination of network video in affiliate marketing
Of course, you can use to market the video network to help their products or services. Although this may be the first time in what seems a no brainer to have more opportunities here than you realize.
Most people think that this is only advertising his own site, and we hope that this will lead to increased sales. Of course, not right, they should be. But let's get this ... More
If you sell products and services should be sought using video over the Internet to attract potential customers to your website. For example, a combination of its affiliates plan ™ is a web video, will wrap strong "and one or two red" when it comes to online marketing.
Here's how to do it ...
Customers using the system ™ WebVideoZone video, you keep it simple for you, a subsidiary of your videos - with the player's own URL, which is built in - on their site. System of any affiliate program.
If someone in your mind and then select the video player (eg, the logo features optional call to action), then your web site to buy and sell a subsidiary to obtain credit.
For example, you can integrate online video and video player ™ ™, to facilitate the system of membership through your website ...
* "Public interest, advice last week," Report
* Reviews and video products
* Video news reports on specific industries
* Normal video blog
* Video travel in remote areas
While you have something to sell, and use of programs for membership in combination with a video network. In essence, video player and will provide its affiliates will be enormous, and striking of the link pointing to your site!
Remember that when you update your video WebVideoZone, it will automatically update in real-time location of the branch. Your affiliates do nothing.
8. Photos, video ads in the country
If you create your own videos online, add a good description of the text, some Google AdSense ads to these documents may be interested in your audience.
For best results:
* Make sure the video on this subject the reader is, advertisers are trying to access this solution.
* Each page of a degree video were not in the same topic.
* Make sure to use the title page, title and description of relevant keywords.
* Create an email opt-in list so that you and your guests when you have news or special offers.
9. Local businesses to create promotional videos in the short term
For less than 2000, you can start your own business and its corporate network and in other parts of a short video. Even if you do not have the skills you can learn everything you need to know here in a very short period of time.
This may be interested in this type of film? Customers of the most obvious ...
* The Real Estate Agency - to provide some ownership of new homes listed video
* New and used car dealers - to create a short video dealer cars (especially luxury car dealers) may have a place to help move inventory.
* Tourism and Leisure - houses b & b, hotels, resorts, restaurants, ski resorts and tourist groups, clubs and more.
* Retailers antique shops - and galleries and shops, and a list of interesting shows
What should I start?
1. Digital Video Camera Camcorder - $ 500-750 (see article on how to choose the camera)
2. Edit your computer - should be storage space (250 GB hard disc +) sign will have more memory, better (at least 1GB) - $ 1,000 +
3. And editing software - Sony Vegas Movie Studio do the job for less than $ 100
You can easily customize the video player WVZ network of players as much as possible the location of the client. An additional fee, give them the opportunity to join at the end of the video - you can control deals.
You can keep prices low for video recording, and customers responsible for the host and give the players a monthly fee.
Not sold directly to the video - but, sale license customers to use its Web site. If the customer does not pay, just to activate the account Control Panel WVZ video player. See how the speed of access to the box.
And started printing business cards and some knocking on the door and have a video shoot!
10. Video ads for other companies to develop
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This is also a new advertising tool, and if you start now, and can easily be in a position as a leading supplier to the public when it is time to create their own video ads pictures.
11. Credit for video content
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In the video player ™ network more easily. Just to give you a joint partnership with manufacturers of player WVZ creation of small JavaScript, and video will appear on their site.
12. Earn up to 50% of partners in the EU Commission WebVideoZone
Last but not least ...
As a member of WebVideoZone, you are entitled to participate in the affiliate program and earn up to 50% of the Commission and Member service charges.
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Make Money with Online Video - Summary
Remember, do not rely on one form of income. Try to throw a different perspective on what is best for you. In addition, it may make sense to combine different strategies.
For example ...
* If you like the videos made with customers, you can create other projects of the institute and Google video ads.
* You can activate the video player subnet ™ links to web pages with Google ads and the use of input / output characteristics of the image to promote other affiliate programs.
Tags : Download video, internet speed, high quality
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How to find your movie project talent
Business News
Types of Recount
Recount Genre
Based on Social Function is to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Events are usually arranged in a temporal sequence, e.g. A personal letter.
Types of recount:
Personal Recount-retellling of an activity that the writer/speaker has been personally involved in (e.g. oral anecdote, diary entry)
Factual Recount is a recording of the particulars of an incident (e.g. report of a science experiment, police report, news report, or historical account).
Imaginative Recount-taking on an imaginary role and giving details of events (e.g. a day in the life of Roman slave; how I invented…).
Text Organization/ Generic Structure
The focus is on a sequence of events, all of which relate to a particular occasion. The Recount generally begins with an;
OrientationSeries of events
Personal comment
Language Features
Specific participants (e.g. Mr Dudi, our friend, the shopkeeper)
Use of simple past tense (e.g. She smiled, it barked, he pointed)
Use of action verbs (e.g. material processes)(went, climbed)
Use of linking items to do with time (e.g. on Tuesday, then, at the same time, next, etc).
Details irrelevant to the purpose of the text should be avoided.
Personal Recount
Use of first person pronouns (e.g. I, We)
Personal responses to the events can be included, particularly at the end.
Details are often chosen to add interest and humor.
Factual Recount
Use of third person pronoun (e.g. he, she, it, they)
Details are usually selected to help the reader reconstruct the activity or incident accurately.
Details of time, place and manner may need to be precisely stated (e.g. at 2.35pm, near the enclosure door, the engine runs at 80 kph).
Sometimes the ending describes the outcome of the activity (e.g. in a science experiment)
Descriptive details may also be required to provide precise information (e.g. a man with a red shirt, brown shoes and long hair, weighing 75 kilos and approximately 189 cm tall).
Imaginative recount
Usually written in the first person
It may be appropriate to include personal reactions
Recount Example
Langensari St. no 729.,
April 22, 2010
Dear Dudi Haryadi
Yesterday at Galuh University we celebrated Kartini’s day. We had a play, food, bazaar, singing contest, and catwalk which one of my friend was dressed in costumes.
I and my friends begin practice on the holiday but we like of one best was the one from the fourth semester. That it was amazing to join.
Straight after our performances, we had our lunch. There were food bazaars. The students from sixth semester organized the food bazaar and they were practicing some recipe.
I and my friends had follow singing contest in one of room English subject. The singing contests were good but I did not joint on the singing contest. Another students displayed their poems, books, and souvenirs to sell.
In the end, there were costume parties where designers in our campus displayed their design and some model students walked along the catwalk wearing the designed dresses.
After lunch we had announced who is the winer. I did not win anything but a lot of people did.
Love from Ade Erlin
There are many Genre (text) e.g. description that include a method of teaching based on Genre for Indonesia.
Description purpose is to explain why things are as they are, and how they are formed/made. It explains the stages of the process.Textual factors are subject matter (field) which is the information of natural phenomena and the processes involved.
Roles and relationships between writer and reader are Tenor which writer as an authority and , to unknown readers.
The Medium or sources can be took from Text books for Science and Geography, encyclopedias, geographical/science magazines.
There is an example of Description, if you interest to read more click FREE DOWNLOADTag Kinds of Genre
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